3 thoughts on “How to choose appropriate customers”

  1. In fact, what you asked is how the company finds its target customers?这个在企业的市场细分和目标顾客的选择中就有,企业在选择它的目标顾客群时是按照一定的标准来进行的,比如说相同的社会地位、兴趣爱好、消费习惯、购买行为、 Age, occupation, gender, income, education, family life cycle, etc. These people will form a group, and this group is the target customer group of the enterprise. This is the most common division of standards, and companies are looking for their target customers based on these standards.举个简单的例子:某高级住宅,它打出的广告语是“精英的家园”,那么他的目标客户就是那些所谓的“精英”----处于社会中上层、教育程度高、收入高、 People who often enter and exit high -level places and at least white -collar workers are above. It will also be targeted when advertising. I selected the wrong.
    Remember: When the market segmentation and selection of target customers are performed according to certain standards, there will be no goals and no guidelines, and only in accordance with these can the enterprise not appear above you will appear above you Asked questions.

  2. Yes, according to the 2080 rule and some research and inventions, in fact, 80%of the income in the enterprise is from 20%of customers
    . I think it should be classified by the customer group. According to the company's customer relationship pyramid Ranking, top customers, big customers, medium customers, active customers, negative customers, potential customers, doubts, and finally the irrelevant person, corresponding to each level in the pyramid, which requires a lot of data. These data can be from the company's MRPII systems are obtained. If you want to analyze the data of potential customers, you can extract in the CRM system. Since the company's business is divided into regional and the existence of direct sales coexistence, we can even draw a multi -layer pyramid.
    and then classify the marketing method accordingly according to customer classification If you have a large profit, you can pay more manager services, increase the number of sales times, and expand the scope of sales
    . Other is to divide it according to new customers and old customers. Keep 5 to 10 times the cost required for an old customer. Of course, in this, you must also choose the customers who actively consume you ~

  3. Your question is correct, but you don’t know why your question is correct
    So I answered it. I hope you can understand some of
    first is what is the company's mission and long -term goal. Second, you are you What is the positioning of the product? If you think about these two, it is easier to find a customer. You will naturally find that which customers will be needed and you have been working hard. You will not care about them, because they are not your real customers.

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