5 thoughts on “Introduce a small animal”

  1. You should be a cat Itachi, also known as Foxy, with a height of only 12 inches, a small, flower noodle mammal, and one of the hottest and arid areas on the earth. As one of the trees, this cute, precocious and like -like animal, the fierce temperament is enough to kill a cobra.
    Ding Man in the Disney cartoon "Lion King" is a cartoon image based on cat Itachi as a prototype.
    The tail of the fox (not like other crickets) is a long and detailed extension to the endpoint. At the end of the end, it is black. When standing upright, the fox cricket will use the tail support to maintain a balance. Their faces are also sharply extended to brown noses. There are black blocks around the eyes of the fox. The role of these structures is the same as sunglasses, so that they can still see things under the sun. It is very helpful to the fox, because predators in the air usually fly before the sun to avoid being detected. The fox has a small black crescent -like ear, and it can be closed when digging a hole to avoid the function of sand entering the ear. The fox cricket has a powerful, 2 cm long, curved paw, which can be used to dig holes to hunt and adjust their underground caves. They have four toes and long limbs on each foot. The color of the fur is usually light yellow brown ginseng mixed with gray, bronze or micro -brown brown. They have short parallel stripes across their backs. These stripes extend from the base of the tail to the shoulders, and each one is different. The lower part of the fox's body has no tricks, but there is only a sparse body in the abdomen, and the black skin below is exposed. When they stand on the back foot, the fox cricket uses the black area of ​​the belly to absorb the heat of the sun. They did the first thing in the morning after the cold desert at night to warm up their bodies. Foxy is mainly insect -eating, but they also eat lizards, snakes, spiders, plants, eggs and small mammals. Just like other crickets, the fox cricket develops a lot of toxic immunity, which allows them to eat scorpion (including thorns) and some snakes instead of discomfort, poisoning or death. They do not store fat in their bodies, so they starve to death if they do not look for food every day.

  2. The little animal is called Mao Itachi.
    Catalian, upright, only 12 inches height, a small, flower noodle mammal, and one of the hottest and arid areas on the planet. As one of the trees, this cute, precocious and like -like animal, the fierce temperament is enough to kill a cobra. The black circle lines around the eyes are like wearing a self -made sunglasses

  3. 00:00 / 06: 3370% shortcut keys to describe space: Play / suspend ESC: exit full screen ↑: increased by 10% ↓: reduced volume decrease by 10% →: single fast forward 5 seconds ←: single fast retreat 5 seconds Press hold down and hold it holding up. Here you can drag no longer appear in the player settings to reopen the small window shortcut key description

  4. Little white rabbit is commonly known as rabbit, which is a mammal rabbit -shaped eye, herbivated vertebrate. For young white rabbits. Because it is more cute, it often appears in nursery rhymes and snacks. Because of its timidity, sensitive, vegetarian, cute, easy to keep clean, young rabbits should eat coriander grass, Timorei grass, rabbit grains and cool white. Few aggressiveness has become one of the most commonly raised pets, and one of the most common types.
    This of rabbits is very small, with two long ears. Its hair has many colors, such as: white, gray, etc., which are very popular. It also has a cute three -petal mouth.
    The teeth of rabbits have 28 teeth, and their teeth are constantly growing for life, so rabbits need to constantly eat dry grass to grind their teeth. Excessive teeth can cause diseases such as pustules and facial labacle ducts. Once pustules are suffered from pustules, life relapses.

    The eyes of rabbits are red, blue, tea color and other colors; some rabbits are different in the colors of the two eyes on the left and right eyes. Perhaps because the rabbit is a nightling animal, its eyes can gather a lot of light, and things can be seen even in the dark. In addition, because the eyes of the rabbit grow on both sides of the face, its field of vision is wide, and the things around them are very clear. Some people say that rabbits can even see their own spine. However, it cannot distinguish between three -dimensional things, and it is unclear about what is nearly. The eyes of the gray rabbit are gray. Bunny has a variety of colors, and their eyes have different colors. That's because they have something called pigment in their bodies. Little rabbits containing gray pigments are gray with hair and eyes; rabbits contain melanin, hairs and eyes are black. The little white rabbit does not contain pigments in the body. Its eyes are colorless. The red we see is the color of the blood, not the color of the eyeball, so its eyes are naturally red. The hair of the rabbit is also different. It is white in gray, and the hare is generally the kind of hemp gray.

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