How often should bath towels be washed?

Bath towels used to wipe the body after taking a bath are very easy to breed germs, so they should be washed frequently and avoid sharing. Is the bath towel used to wipe the body clean after taking a bath? Many factors can cause the bath towel to breed germs and even cause infection. How and how often should bath towels be washed before they are hygienic?

Bath towels are dirtier than expected! They are a breeding ground for germs. Do you think that bath towels are used to wipe your body after taking a shower, and the bath towels will not be dirty? In fact, bath towels are very easy to “raise” germs.

The epidermis of the skin is inherently full of various flora, including commensal and pathogenic bacteria. Most of them are good bacteria, but some are bad bacteria. It is impossible to wash off all the bacteria when taking a bath. When you wipe your body with a bath towel, the bacteria remaining on the surface of the skin will stick to the bath towel.

Bath towels have already absorbed moisture, coupled with the humid environment of the bathroom, and the splash of water when the toilet is flushed, these may cause bacteria to grow.

Chuck Gerba, a professor of microbiology at Arizona State University in the United States, once pointed out to Time Magazine that if towels are used every day, they will continue to breed bacteria. His research found that nearly 90% of bath towels were contaminated with coliform bacteria, and another 14% of bath towels had coliform bacteria.

This is also one of the reasons why bath towels turn yellow after a long time of use. In addition to the bacteria on the surface of the skin, dander, sweat, grease, dirt, and residual makeup and skin care products that have not been washed, may make the bath towel more and more yellow.Read the reviewed:Best Baby Bath Towels

Don’t share bath towels, which may transmit skin diseases. Used bath towels are so dirty. Why do you rarely hear people get sick from bath towels? Emily Martin, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, pointed out that people’s bodies adapt Your own microbes, so in most cases do not have negative health effects.

This is also the reason why bath towels cannot be shared. Although healthy people share bath towels, usually there will be no obvious skin problems, but if the previous users have an infection and the towels are not properly cleaned, it may be transmitted to the next user. .

Some harmful pathogens may alter the co-sharer’s own flora and cause further infection in patients with weakened immunity, skin wounds or eczema.

Sharing bath towels may cause: eczema, bacterial infection (such as folliculitis, boils), viral infection (such as viral wart, flat wart or conjunctivitis of the eyes), fungal infection (such as Hong Kong athlete’s foot, jock itch, or tinea capitis) , and may even be infected with parasites (such as head lice, pubic lice or scabies).

A 2003 outbreak of drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection among college football players in Los Angeles was later found to be spread by the sharing of towels on the field.

If bath towels are not washed for a long time, the number of bacteria and mold will increase. Even if it is your own bath towel, when the skin has a wound or the immunity is weak, pathogens may take advantage of it and cause skin infection or inflammation.

When you find that your skin is prone to acne and acne, you should also pay attention. Wiping the skin with a dirty towel, especially if you have open pustules, can allow bacteria to get to the epidermis and make breakouts easier, says Philip Tierno, a microbiologist and clinical professor of pathology at New York University School of Medicine.

Wash bath towels once a week 4 methods are not easy to yellow and less bacteria The stuffy environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. There are 4 ways to keep bath towels clean:

  1. Dry after use: Never crumple up used bath towels and throw them directly in the bathroom. It is best to hang it on a towel rack and spread it out to dry to reduce the chance of germs multiplying,
  2. Do not share: If bath towels are not washed and shared, it may cause germs to spread.
  3. Wash once a week and use the right detergent: It is generally recommended to wash bath towels at least once a week. If the smell starts to appear, it means that the number of bacteria or mold may exceed the standard, so wash them as soon as possible. For people with skin diseases such as folliculitis and atopic dermatitis, it is recommended to wash once every 2 days. Washed towels should also be stored in a dry and ventilated environment.

While nothing may happen if the towels haven’t been washed for more than a week, it’s unhygienic. It’s like wearing dirty underwear after taking a shower.

When cleaning bath towels, you can read the cleaning precautions on the small label of the bath towels. Different materials have their own suitable cleaning methods. For normal cleaning, you can use laundry detergent and washing powder; for yellowed bath towels, you can consider using vinegar, oxygen-based color-protecting bleach or baking soda powder for cleaning. It would be better if the washing machine has a hot water stroke when cleaning, and the washing machine also needs to be cleaned regularly.

  1. Replace frequently: Throw away bath towels that are too old and have a bad smell, and replace them with new ones.

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